Humdum Food Bank : Urgent Appeal

Welcome to the Humdum Food Bank Ramadan Donation Page. We are a food bank, where users can get Halal food.  Approx 95% of food banks in the UK are non-Halal.  As the holy month of Ramadan teaches us the virtues of patience, compassion, and giving, we invite you to join hands with us in making a significant impact in the lives of those less fortunate at our doorstep. Inspired by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who said, “The best aspect of Islam is feeding people and greeting those you know and those you don’t know,” we at Humdum are committed to embodying this message by ensuring that no individual in our community goes hungry, especially during this sacred month.

Your Donation : A Beacon of Hope

Ramadan is a time of reflection, prayer, and community. It’s also a call to action to help those less fortunate. At the Humdum Food Bank, we are dedicated to feeding individuals and families who face food insecurity, providing them not just with meals, but with hope, dignity, and the strength to face their challenges. Your generous donations enable us to source, prepare, and distribute nutritious meals throughout Ramadan and beyond.

Join Our Campaign

This Ramadan, let’s come together to fulfil the noble aspect of Islam mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. By feeding the hungry and reaching out with kindness and generosity, we can create a ripple effect of goodwill and compassion.

  • Make a One-Time Donation: Choose to donate any amount. Every little bit helps us in our mission to ensure no one goes hungry.
  • Become a Monthly Donor: Join our community of regular supporters who help us plan ahead and extend our reach.
  • Volunteer Your Time: If you’re local, join us in distributing meals or organizing food drives. Your time and effort are invaluable to us.

How to Donate

Donating is easy and secure. Simply click on the “Donate Now” button to make your contribution via our online platform. You can choose to donate in your name, in honor of someone else, or anonymously.

In the spirit of Ramadan, let’s embrace the joy of giving and make a lasting difference in the lives of those around us. Your donation to the Humdum Food Bank is more than just a meal; it’s a message of hope and a testament to the power of community.

Donate Now - Be the change you wish to see this Ramadan.

Together, we can embody the essence of Ramadan, fulfilling the profound advice of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by feeding people and spreading kindness far and wide. Thank you for your generosity and support. May this Ramadan bring you and your loved ones peace, joy, and blessings.

How Your Contributions Make a Difference

Last year we served 315,611 meals of which 93,200 were children 
Feed a Family: Your donation can help provide iftar meals to families who are struggling to afford the necessities of life.

Support Sustainable Solutions: Beyond Ramadan, your contributions support our ongoing efforts to combat hunger through sustainable solutions like food education, waste reduction, and community empowerment programs, our restaurant funds our foodbank creating a truly sustainable model.

Spread Compassion: In the spirit of greeting those we know and those we don’t, your donations also help us extend our services to more communities, fostering a spirit of unity and compassion.

Humdum Food Bank : Urgent Appeal

Your Donation : A Beacon of Hope